-Apostle Floyd Dautrieve- "Don't despise humble beginnings..."
Apostle Floyd Dautrieve & 1st Lady Emma Dautrieve founded New Creation Christian Fellowship in 1997. August 17, 1997 NCCF conducted its first service in a classroom at Maranatha School located in Stone Mountain, Georgia. Two weeks later, with a total of seven members, a new facility located on 4.9 acres of land was purchased. Joe & Sarah Jackson, 1st Lady Emma Dautrieve's parents, donated the initial $10,000.00 towards the required $30,000.00 down payment. An additional $20,000.00 was raised by faith & thru the efforts of New Creation's founding members.
The property had to undergo major renovation to meet Dekalb County code requirements. Once the renovations were complete, the church was dedicated to the Lord, March 1, 1999.
NCCF's new sanctuary was completed August 2008. The next project will be the New Creation Christian Fellowship Family Life Center.